Sunday, 6 July 2008

The finished beds :)

In and out during the welcome rain today, I managed to finish the raised beds. One silly mistake cost me 30 minutes and meant I was glad for the extra wood. I also changed the design as I went along to make things easier. Pretty happy with the end result.
From Surprised Gar...
Now I just need to find the tonnes of soil to fill it, but this can wait. I have to level the final place for it and move a low wooden stake fence that I put in to keep the girls play bark in place. Moving the stakes is not too bad but the levelling is going to be nightmarish.

We were very pleased to have some relatively decent rain today, enough to slightly reload our aqueduct-fed water butts. I think it takes about 10 hours for them to fill though, so we need some serious rain!

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